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This bibliography is part of our ongoing mission to catalogue and understand as much as possible about the history of the KCS and where it is today in relation to that history.

  1. "EMD's Versatile GP-38." Model Railroader Feb. 1980: p. 84. [Picture of KCS GP38-2 with discussion on how it compares to other GP38-2's; picture of KCS GP38 on page 88]

  2. "Motors Minus Prime Movers." Trains July 1984; p. 42 [Pictures of KCS GP40's with F7 slug. Picture and mention in text on pp. 47 & 48]

  3. "Potomac Pundit: The Merger Juggernaut Has Hit a Few Potholes." Trains Jan. 1996: p. 14 [KCS president Mike Haverty strongly objects to proposed Southern Pacific & Union Pacific Merger and has formed a group to protest the merger]

  4. "Railroad News: KCS Readies Its New Business Train." Trains Jan. 1996: p. 25 [Photo insert with 2 photos of the new KCS business train in Southern Belle-like color scheme]

  5. Muff, Nicholas. "KCS Southern Belle: Its Fifty-Fifth Anniversary" Mainline Modeler Nov. 1995: pp.26-48 [Review of the Belle's origins (additional info can also be found at the front of the KCS 1995 Calendar) with photos and scale drawings of locomotives and cars]

  6. Kansas City Southern Lines Pentrex. 80 min. 1990 [Video]

  7. Frailey, Fred W. "The Kansas City Southern Story--1; The Railroad That Unraveled." Trains Aug. 1979: pp. 22-29. [An account of a maintenance-of-way debacle.]

  8. Frailey, Fred W. "The Kansas City Southern Story--2; President Carter (Tom That Is) Puts a Railroad Back Together." Trains Sept. 1979: pp. 22-32. [A maintenance-of-way debacle is resolved.]

  9. Lamb, Parker. "New Dimensions for the Kansas City Southern." Trains Feb. 1996: pp. 34-41 [Update on KCS's acquisition of extensive MidSouth track Mileage in the early 90's; photo of KCS train on contents page]

  10. Lynch, Terry & Caileff Jr., W.D. KCS: Route of the Southern Belle. Boulder: Pruett, 1987 [An authoritative photographic history of the KCS Lines]

  11. Ball Jr., John. Portrait of the Rails: Steam to Diesel. New York: Galahad, 1972 p. 140 [Photo of Texas-Type steam engine with some discussion about KCS's use of heavy-duty steam power]

  12. Farrington Jr, S. Kip. Railroading the Modern Way. New York: Coward-McCann, 1951: pp. 116-128 [Decent thumbnail sketch of the KCS and its history until 1951; p 301-306: also includes a separate section about the Southern Belle]

  13. Brown, Raymond W. "Kansas City Southern- Where Mallets Once Ruled." Locomotive Quarterly Summer 1977: pp. 3-33 [Excellent expose on KCS steam power, includes numerous photos in LA, including Shreveport and Forbing!]

  14. Corey, Melinda & Ochoa, George. The Model Railroader's Catalogue. New York: Schuster, 1991 [Mislabeled pictures (says F when it should be E), but it has a photo of a KCS E8! [p 192]

  15. Eisthen, Bob, Photography by Bob Eisthen and Danny Johnson "The NAFTA Railway: Kansas City Southern Confronts Its Vision" CTC Board magazine, May 2002: pp. 18-25.

  16. Brown, A. E. Locomotives and Trains of Louisiana & Arkansas Kansas City Southern Published by the author, not date given. [Steam locomotives and trains, 1931-1952.]

  17. Fair, James A. The Louisiana and Arkansas Railway. Northern Illinois University Press, 1997.

  18. Marre, Louis A. and George J. Sommers. Kansas City Southern in the Deramus Era. Withers Publishing, 1999.

  19. Goen, Steve Allen. Kansas City Southern Color Pictorial. Four Ways West Publications, 1999.

  20. Campbell, Donald G. Steam Locomotives of the Kansas City Southern. South Platte Press and Brueggenjohann/Reese, Inc., 2000.

  21. Boyd, Jim. Kansas City Southern in Color. Morning Sun Books, Inc., 2003.

  22. Womack, John Milton. Rails South. Heavener: Published by the author, 1977. [A dramatized and romaticized biography of Arthur Stilwell.]

  23. Bryant, Keith L., Jr. Arthur E. Stilwell. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1971. [A scholarly biography of Arthur Stilwell.]

  24. Frailey, Fred W. "Mike's Big Railroad." Trains August 2003: pp. 28-41.

  25. Marre, Louis A. "About the Railroad Whose President Says... 'We Have No Intention of Going Out of the Passenger Business.'" Trains November 1967: pp. 40-49.

Please e-mail with any other bibliographic references you have regarding the KCS. We appreciate your assistance with our ongoing mission to catalogue and understand as much as possible about the history of the KCS and where it is today in relation to that history.